Concert/Film/TV Reviews

“Power Ghost” S4 E2 Review: Unveiling Agent Carter’s Strategy and Why James St. Patrick Will Return

Will the main antagonist for Power Ghost season 4 please stand up? In episode 402, Agent Carter (Michael Ealy) begins his plan to take down Tariq, but early on the character fails to distinguish himself from previous law enforcement adversaries.

Per the season premiere, Carter is established as a relentless agent forever scarred by the accidental shooting death of his wife. But instead of showcasing what makes Carter a unique enemy, we see him trudging the same routines Power fans have seen from departed cops Greg, Donovan, Angela and Junior.

Confronting Tariq and vowing to expose his hidden crimes? Check. Attempting to flip Tariq’s allies? Double check. We’ve seen this story before with disastrous and often fatal results on the police side. For Agent Carter to establish credibility as a worthy antagonist, the script needs to utilize Ealy’s character as ruthless in bending the rules to neutralize criminals.

In this week’s review, we discuss who Agent Carter should kill to put his enemies on notice, and why it’s inevitable Tommy AND James St. Patrick makes appearances this season.

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